Put Your Money to Work for You, Investing for All Budgets with Scott Covey and Cynthia Frederick, Del Norte Investment Services
What is it about investing that holds folks back from growing their money? Fear.
The market’s rollercoaster-like peaks and drops keep folks from realizing financial goals like saving for a stress-free retirement or funding higher education. But investing doesn’t have to feel like a crazy carnival ride. As hosts Andrea Klunder and Josh Stringer discover, there’s a strategy for every investment personality, from risk-averse to more tolerant. A trusted financial adviser can help you pick the right financial product and keep you on track through the fluctuations––with Scott Covey, Financial Advisor, Del Norte Investment Services, and Cynthia Frederick, Service Coordinator, Del Norte Credit Union.
“It’s genuinely going to grow out of whatever conversation we have with [folks] about where they are in life, their family situation,” Cynthia says of the personalized plans she and Scott coordinate for each investment client. “Scott is here as a benefit of membership with the credit union that [clients] probably didn’t even know they had.” She explains that while Del Norte Investment Services is a separate entity, her job is to ensure that DNCU members enjoy continuity of commitment as they toggle between financial planning activities and daily banking needs.
Many folks shy away from investing because they think the cost of entry is too prohibitive and the toll on their sanity too great. Not so! DNCU members can opt for guaranteed no-risk accounts and start with as little as $1000.
As for less queasy investors, Scott cautions against them going it alone via highly volatile trading platforms. “That should not and just can’t be the long-term overall strategy for investments,” he says, especially if your goal is retirement. “You have to have a better long-term outlook.” Clients can count on Del Norte Investment Services to connect them to age-appropriate advice and steady, rather than flashy, opportunities for financial growth.
Financial Tea Hot Sip: Don’t trust your financial future to friendly suggestions! Consult with the pros (Scott and Cynthia) at Del Norte Investment Services or contact your local credit union to find out what programs and services they can offer. Your team of financial professionals can provide you with reliable strategies to help you reach your goals without worry.
Scott Covey
Financial Advisor
Del Norte Investment Services
Cynthia Frederick
Service Coordinator
Del Norte Credit Union
Scott Covey, Financial Advisor, Del Norte Investment Services
“We’re in the business of trying to get people’s money to grow more than it would if it was just sitting in the credit union.”
“A lot of people think social security will cover them when they retire, but it’s only designed to cover about 40% of your needs once you retire.”
“It’s very gratifying to get these young people, late teens, twenties, working on saving for retirement.”
“The market has its little periods, but then it recovers and continues its upward march––and that’s been the way it’s been forever.”
“You would be amazed what time and compounding can do. It produces large numbers.”
“This is really what they need to be teaching in school is check writing and finances and how to manage your bank account and what to do when you’re out of school, start retirement.”
Cynthia Frederick, Services Coordinator, Del Norte Credit Union
“Our services are for everyone regardless of their level of experience with finances, with investing, and certainly regardless of how much money they have.”
“There’s a lot of ways that people can use investing and, unfortunately, retirement is the most important one and the one that gets left off most often.”
“The boring stuff is actually what gets you where you want to be.”
“Finances are terrifying to a lot of people. It doesn’t have to be, and there are resources that we can offer, that the credit union can offer, that can help them at least not be afraid, and then they can grow from there.”
Financial Tea in the Morning is brought to you by Del Norte Credit Union.
Produced and Edited by Andrea Klunder at The Creative Impostor Studios
Technical Director: Edwin R. Ruiz
Recording Engineer: Kabby at Kabby Sound Studios in Santa Fe
Hosted by Josh Stringer and Andrea Klunder
Production Support from Kirstin Smith and Brian Sanchez
Theme music by Ricardo Lambert
*Del Norte Investment Services Financial Professionals are registered representatives of CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. Representatives are registered, securities sold, advisory services offered through CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. (CBSI), member FINRA/SIPC, a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor, which is not an affiliate of the credit union. CBSI is under contract with the financial institution to make securities available to members. Not NCUA/NCUSIF/FDIC insured, May Lose Value, No Financial Institution Guarantee. Not a deposit of any financial institution. CUNA Brokerage Services, Inc. is a registered broker/dealer in all fifty States of the United States of America.