Shared Branching
Del Norte Credit Union is part of the Co-Op Shared Branching Network. With shared branching, you are never far from being able to transact your financial business. Whether you are across town, across the state, or on vacation around the country, access to your credit union is convenient, safe, and easy.
That means our members can use another shared branching credit union to make deposits, make withdrawals, loan payments, and more—available at over 5,500 credit unions nationwide—and 49 locations in New Mexico. Go online or call 888-SITE-CO-OP to find the shared branch that’s closest to you! When you’re on the go or traveling, you can also text a zip code to 91989 to find nearby ATM and Shared Branch Locations.
Guest Members from other Shared Branching Network credit unions are welcome to use lobby services at DNCU’s Los Alamos and White Rock locations only. Available services include:
Cash withdrawals (NM outlets limited to $1,000 cash withdrawal per day; other states may follow different guidelines)
Loan payments
Transaction history/statements
Credit card cash advances
Coin counting (may incur fee)
Notary Public* (may incur fee)
You are required to have your home credit union name, account number, and a valid government-issued photo ID available in order to use Co-Op Shared Branching.
DNCU Members: How to Use Shared Branching
Here’s some handy information about what to expect when visiting a credit union in the Co-Op Shared Branching Network. First, proper documentation ID and signature are required for ALL transactions. Forms of acceptable ID include: valid, unexpired state-issued Driver’s License – U.S. and Canada; valid, unexpired Passport (all countries) or Passport Card; valid, unexpired Permanent Resident Card or Resident Alien Card; valid, unexpired Matricula Consula Card; valid, unexpired U.S. Military ID.
Second, certain funds are immediately available while others will have a slight delay. The immediately available indicators are: cash deposits, state or local government checks from New Mexico, U.S. Treasury checks, Federal Reserve or Federal Home Loan bank checks, U.S. Postal Money Orders, payroll checks up to $2,500.
The following local indicators will have $200 of the funds available immediately, $200 the next business day, up to $4,800 the third business day, and the remainder the seventh business day. The list includes: state or local government checks from other states; official checks, cashier’s checks; teller checks; bank checks; money orders (non U.S. Postal); traveler’s checks; payroll checks over $2,500; business and personal checks.
Fees in the process:
A good rule of thumb is that you will receive “free” services on the following: deposits, payments, transfers, withdrawals, and history print outs. Expect fees for notary services and coin counting.
The following transactions are not available: foreign checks, cashier’s checks, third party checks, returned checks, collections items, altered checks, or insurance drafts.
*All Notarial Acts are performed based upon the sole discretion of the licensed Notary Public of New Mexico.
Notarial Acts we can provide: Acknowledgments, Administer of Oaths and Affirmations, Jurats, and Copy Certifications. Some of the notarial acts that we do provide are subject to change because of our temporary closure of our offices.
Notarial Acts we decline to provide: Wills, POA’s, Surveys, Warranty Deeds or any type of deeds that involve legal property, Divorce Decrees.