Does DNCU offer specialty services?
DNCU is proud to offer a number of convenient specialty services to our community. Specialty services include:
Cashier’s checks
Debit card / ATM replacements
Credit card cash advances
Notary public* (may incur fee)
Document signing
Stop payments and disputes
Reloadable card transactions
Non-member transactions
Specialty services listed above are also available in the first lane (employee-attended window) of our branches’ drive-throughs during normal operating business hours.
*All Notarial Acts are performed based upon the sole discretion of the licensed Notary Public of New Mexico.
Notarial Acts we can provide: Acknowledgments, Administer of Oaths and Affirmations, Jurats, Wills, POA’s, Surveys, Warranty Deeds or any type of deeds that involve legal property, Copy Certifications and Divorce Decrees.