How do I call for customer support from overseas?
We provide 24/7 toll-free support from the following countries: Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the UK. The toll free numbers in those countries are the following:
Belgium: 0800-78373
Canada: (855) 657-8588
France: 0800-916588
Germany: 0800-589472
Ireland: 800-760839
Italy: 900-788938
Spain: 95-034-4016
Spain: 9009-41895 (from mobile phone)
Switzerland: 0800-563184
UK: 08-082340879
Otherwise, the number (954) 835-2345 can be used if you need to call from another country. Keep in mind that you may incur additional charges from your mobile phone service provider whether calling within the US or from outside the US.